My VIP Customer and Member freebies went out today. So those of you who have...

My VIP Customer and Member freebies went out today. So those of you who have purchased and are on the VIP list, make sure to check your email! If you have purchased from my shop and somehow didn't make it on the list, just let me know and I will add you! Also, if you are a member, check the member blog for the additional freebie. || I'm still keeping up with my daily pages in the #digitalbulletjournal and loving having these to look back on. #theawesomeplanner #planning #plannershop #digitalplanner #digitalplanning #digitalscrapbooking #digitalbujo #everydayawesometv #ipadpro #plannerinserts #digitalsticker

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My #1 Device

I love my iPad Mini 6... Pink, Wi-Fi + Cellular, 256. I purchased mine through T-Mobile but you can get a renewed/practically new one on Amazon HERE. This thing can go with you everywhere and can even fit the in the back pocket of many jeans!

You can find a list of my devices and favorite apps on the 'Resources' page.

Get an iPad Mini 6
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