The Awesome Planner’s Instagram:

Did you know that I run a challenge every month over in my shop? It’s the #beawesomechallenge and the theme is different every month. This month we are working on decluttering and purging some unneeded items from our home. Read the blog post and get a free download to follow along. You can choose to use a OneNote page that can be imported into your #awesomeplanner for OneNote or a PDF download. Come over to the shop and play along with me! .
#monthlychallenges #challenge #plannernerd #declutter #minimalism #cleaning #decluttering #plannerchallenge #onenote #theawesomeplanner #everydayawesometv #blog #digitalplanner @microsoft @microsoftonenote
on Instagram:

Happy Planning

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My #1 Device

I love my iPad Mini 6... Pink, Wi-Fi + Cellular, 256. I purchased mine through T-Mobile but you can get a renewed/practically new one on Amazon HERE. This thing can go with you everywhere and can even fit the in the back pocket of many jeans!

You can find a list of my devices and favorite apps on the 'Resources' page.

Get an iPad Mini 6
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